“Internal Change Agent, or Definition of Insanity?” -February 10th, 2017

Should you promote an internal candidate to lead a business turnaround?  I believe this is a valid question in today’s job market.  Hearing more and more recruiters ask about turnaround experience drove me to do some research and self-reflection on what I think it takes for internal candidates to succeed, leading positive change in a distressed business.


“Death of a Salesman” -November 1st, 2016

The Board of our company decides growth is the burning platform for all company initiatives in the New Year. This is communicated throughout the organization. So far so good.  Next, the Board decides the best way to lead the company, in support of the burning platform, is to hire a General Manager with a sales background.   Great idea again, right? It is obvious; we need more sales to grow the company.


How “Program du jour” Can Damage the Business – September 10th, 2016

Would you agree, that all improvement initiatives start out meaning well for the businesses and organizations that elect to embark on the “program du jour”? Today more than ever, we get business improvement ideas from social media, industry associations, magazines, radio, and television, just to name a few sources. All potentially good ideas if properly applied to the application. In our enthusiasm to help the business or organization, we sometimes go overboard and bombard our teams with several new programs to implement simultaneously. If the leadership team fails to prioritize the initiatives, they all get started and most never come close to being fully implemented. Don’t you also agree that this scenario could actually damage the business rather than improve it?


“A Start Without a Finish, the Journey to World-class” August 26th, 2016

Why do so many traditional businesses fail on their journey to world-class? It seems that too many businesses barely escape the gravitational pull of their traditional core. They stumble and fade near the starting line. I have a theory; try typing “start without a finish” in a web browser. More than likely, you will get page after page of articles and websites focused on finishing what you start. On my search, the first hit was an article on “Productivity” with the headline, “Finish what you start …”.


“Learn to Celebrate a Failure, A Cultural Shift for Traditional Organizations” August 10th, 2016

How do you convince the workforce that we can turn a failure into a win? It is one of the hardest cultural shifts to make for a traditional business that aspires to be world-class.


“Finding Value in an Old Corporate Process” Revised August 4th, 2016

It’s become my opinion over the years that 99% of U.S. businesses delegate the personal performance process to Human Resources. I’m not suggesting that the manager on record gets to delegate the painstaking job of filling out the performance review paperwork and when required, sit face to face with the subordinate to deliver the good or bad news, but the actual strategy behind the process belongs to HR.


Managing Through Unexpected Departures “Mind the Gap” -Aug 3rd, 2016

In Britain, “Mind the Gap” is a warning to rail passengers to take caution while crossing the gap between the train door and the station platform. Makes sense to me, why put oneself in harm’s way moving between Mother Earth and a very heavy, moving object. On the same lines, I would like you to take caution with regard to managing through gaps in your leadership team created by unexpected departures, transfers, promotions, or dismissals. So I say, “mind that gap!”


“Look in the Mirror – Long Lasting Respect is Earned by Being Competent, Committed, and a Decent Human Being” July 10th, 2016

I have noticed over the years that a great deal of improvement programs for leaders focus on everyone but the leader themselves. “What can the organization do better to help the business succeed?” Usual answer: Improve the process; improve the culture; improve communication, team building, etc. Doesn’t this assume the leader is already complete in their journey as a leader? In my opinion, any time there’s an assumption that the boss is qualified and deserves the role is mistake, but that’s for another day. This article is about self-reflection; honest, unbiased self-reflection for leaders and managers. Unbiased self-reflection is not evaluating one’s ego or over-confidence. Rather, true reflection of ones own ability, influence and leadership effectiveness.


“Leadership is More than the Title” October 1st, 2013

Some are born into a position of leadership, some are hired, and some are elected but do these paths to the top guarantee leadership ability? I have spent most of my 25 years of work experience observing leadership style and effectiveness. I’d argue these paths to the top have nothing to do with leadership. They can enable an individual to be called a leader, they can guarantee power to execute command and control, and they can empower but not one of them can guarantee leadership.
